2024 April


As Columbia Business School professor Rita McGrath points out, it’s about identifying “the strategic inflection points” at which the cost of waiting exceeds to cost acting — in other words, identifying the most strategic point to enter a market or adopt a technology, balancing the risks and opportunities based on market readiness, technological maturity and organizational capacity.

This speaks to the growing adoption of agile, “act, learn, build” approaches over traditional “prove-plan-execute” orientations. The popularity of techniques like discovery-driven planning, the lean startup, and other agile approaches and propagated this philosophy in which, rather than building bullet-proof business cases, one makes small steps, learning from them, and deciding whether to invest further.

― “6 Strategic Concepts That Set High-Performing Companies Apart”, Harvard Business Review [Article]

It’s a very good read. It provided real world business examples such as Nvidia’s partnership with ARM Holdings and Amazon’s Alexa offering for the strategic concept “borrow someone’s road”, Microsoft’s decision to make Office available on Apple’s iOS devices in 2014 and Microsoft’s partnership with Adobe, Salesforce, and Google for the strategic concept “Parter with a third party”, Deere & Co’s decision on openly investing in precision agriculture technologies for the strategic concept “reveal your strategy”, Mastercard’s “Beyond Cash” initiative in 2012 for the strategic concept “be good”, Ferrari’s strategic entry into the luxury SUV market for the strategic concept “let the competition go”, and Tesla’s modular approach to battery manufacturing for the strategic concept “adopt small scale attacks”.

Gig work is structured in a way that strengthens the alignment between customers and companies and deepens the divide between customers and workers, leading to systemic imbalances in its service triangle.

Bridging the customer-worker divide can result in higher customer trust and platform commitment, both by the customer and the worker.

To start, platforms need to increase transparency, reduce information asymmetry, and price their services clearly, allowing customers to better understand what they are paying for rather than only seeing an aggregated total at the end of the transaction. This, in turn, can help customers get used to the idea that if workers are to be paid fairly, gig work cannot be a free or low-cost service.

Gig workers might be working through an app, but they are not robots, and they deserve to be treated respectfully and thoughtfully. So tip well, rate appropriately, and work together to make the experience as smooth as possible both for yourself and for workers.

― “How Gig Work Pits Customers Against Workers”, Harvard Business Review [Article]

This is a good article for better understanding how gig work structured differently than other business model, and what the key points are for better business performance and triangle relationships.

TCP/IP unlocked new economic value by dramatically lowering the cost of connections. Similarly, blockchain could dramatically reduce the cost of transactions. It has the potential to become the system of record for all transactions. If that happens, the economy will once again undergo a radical shift, as new, blockchain-based sources of influence and control emerge.

“Smart contracts” may be the most transformative blockchain application at the moment. These automate payments and the transfer of currency or other assets as negotiated conditions are met. For example, a smart contract might send a payment to a supplier as soon as a shipment is delivered. A firm could signal via blockchain that a particular good has been receivedor the product could have GPS functionality, which would automatically log a location update that, in turn, triggered a payment. We’ve already seen a few early experiments with such self-executing contracts in the areas of venture funding, banking, and digital rights management.

The implications are fascinating. Firms are built on contracts, from incorporation to buyer-supplier relationships to employee relations. If contracts are automated, then what will happen to traditional firm structures, processes, and intermediaries like lawyers and accountants? And what about managers? Their roles would all radically change. Before we get too excited here, though, let’s remember that we are decades away from the widespread adoption of smart contracts. They cannot be effective, for instance, without institutional buy-in. A tremendous degree of coordination and clarity on how smart contracts are designed, verified, implemented, and enforced will be required. We believe the institutions responsible for those daunting tasks will take a long time to evolve, And the technology challenges especially security are daunting.

― “The Truth About Blockchain”, Harvard Business Review [Article]

This is the second Blockchain related article I have read from Harvard Business Review. Different authors have different perspectives. Unlike the previous article with a lot of concerns and cautions about Web3, this article seems more optimistic. It proposed a framework for adopting blockchain to revolutionize modern business, and a guidance to Blockchain investment. It points out that Blockchain has great potentials in boosting the efficiency and reducing the cost for all transactions and then explained the reason why the adoption of Blockchain would be slow by making a comparison with TCP/IP, which took more than 30 years to reshape the economy by dramatically lowering the cost of connections. This is an interesting comparison: e-mail enabled bilateral messaging as the first application of TCP/IP, while bitcoin enables bilateral financial transactions as the first application of Blockchain. It reminds me about what people (Jun Lei, Huateng Ma, Lei Ding, etc) were thinking about internet mindset and business model back in 2000s.

In the end, the authors proposed a four-quadrant framework for adopting Blockchain step by step. The four quadrants are created by two dimensions: novelty (equivalent to the amount of efforts required to ensure users understand the problem) and complexity (equivalent to the amount of coordination and collaboration required to produce values). With the increase of both dimensions, the adoption will require more institutional change. An example of “low novelty and low complexity” is simply adding bitcoin as an alternative transaction method. An example of “low novelty and high complexity” is building a new, fully formed cryptocurrency system which requires wide adoption from every monetary transaction party and consumers’ complete understanding of cryptocurrency. An example of “high novelty and low complexity” is building a local private network on which multiple organizations are connected via a distributed ledger. An example of “high novelty and high complexity” is building “smart contracts”.


Does Amazon’s cashless Just Walk Out technology rely on 1,000 workers in India? [Link]

Amazon insists Just Walk Out isn’t secretly run by workers watching you shop [Link]

An update on Amazon’s plans for Just Walk Out and checkout-free technology [Link]

It’s been reported that there are over 1000 Indian workers behind the cameras of Just Walk Out. It sounds dystopian and reminds me of “Snowpiercer” movie in 2013. In 2022, about 700 of every 1000 Just Walk Out sales had to be reviewed by Amazon’s team in India, according to The Information. Amazon spokesperson explained that the technology is made by AI (computer vision and deep learning) while it does rely on human moderators and data labelers. Amazon clarified that it’s not true that Just Walk Out relies on human reviewers. They said object detection and receipt generation are completely AI powered, so no human watching live videos. But human are responsible for labeling and annotation for data preparation, which also requires watching videos.

I guess the technology was not able to complete the task end-to-end by itself without supervision or it’s still on the developing stage? I believe it could be Amazon’s strategy to build and test Just Walk Out, Amazon Dash Cart, and Amazon One at the same time while improving AI system, since they are “just getting started”. As Amazon found out that customers prefer Dash Cart in large stores, it has already expanded Dash Cart to all Amazon Fresh stores as well as third-party grocers. And customers prefer Just Walk Out in small stores, so it’s available now in 140+ thrid-party locations. Customers love Amazon One’s security and convenience regardless the scale of stores, so it’s now available at 500+ Whole Foods Market stores, some Amazon stores, and 150+ third-party locations.

Data centres consume water directly to prevent information technology equipment from overheating. They also consume water indirectly from coal-powered electricity generation.

The report said that if 100 million users had a conversation with ChatGPT, the chatbot “would consume 50,000 cubic metres of water – the same as 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools – whereas the equivalent in Google searches would only consume one swimming pool”.

― China’s thirsty data centres, AI industy could use more water than size of South Korea’s population by 2030: report warns [Link]

The rapid growth of AI could dramatically increase demand on water resources. AI eats tokens, consumes compute, and drinks water.

15 Graphs That Explain the State of AI in 2024 [Link]

Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) published 2024’s AI Index report [Link]. 502-page reading journey started.





― Leaked emails reveal why Mark Zuckerberg bought Instagram [Link]

Zuckerberg’s discussion of Instagram acquisition back in 2012 proved his corporate strategic foresights. He was aiming to buy the time and network effect, rather than simply neutralizing competitors or improving products. He bought Instagram for $1B, today it is worth $500B. It’s very impressive.

Introducing Meta Llama 3: The most capable openly available LLM to date [Link]

Llama 3: Scaling open LLMs to AGI [Link]

Meta released early versions of Llama 3. Pretrained and instruction-fine-tuned Llama3 with 8B and 70B parameters are now open-source. Its 405B version is still training.

Llama 3 introduces Grouped Query Attention (GQA), which reduces the computational complexity of processing large sequences by grouping attention queries. Llama 3 also had extensive pre-training involving over 15 trillion tokens, including a significant amount of content in different languages, enhancing its applicability across diverse linguistic contexts. Post-training techniques include finetuning and rejection sampling which refine the model’s ability to follow instructions and minimize error.

Cheaper, Better, Faster, Stronger - Continuing to push the frontier of AI and making it accessible to all. [Link]

Mistral AI’s Mixtral 8x22B has a Sparse Mixture-of-Experts (SMoE) architecture, which maximize efficiency by activating only 44B out of 176B parameters. The model’s architecture ensures that only the most relevant “experts” are activated during specific tasks. The experts are individual neural networks as apart of SMoE model. They are trained to become proficient at particular sub-tasks out of the overall task. Since only a few experts are engaged for any given input, this design reduces computational complexity.

GPT-4 Turbo and GPT-4 [Link]

GPT-4-Turbo has significantly enhanced its multimodal capabilities by incorporating AI vision technology. This model is able to analyze videos, images, and audios. Its tokenizer now has a larger 128000 token context window, which maximizes its memory.

The race to lead A.I. has become a desperate hunt for the digital data needed to advance the technology. To obtain that data, tech companies including OpenAI, Google and Meta have cut corners, ignored corporate policies and debated bending the law, according to an examination by The New York Times.

Tech companies are so hungry for new data that some are developing “synthetic” information. This is not organic data created by humans, but text, images and code that A.I. models produce — in other words, the systems learn from what they themselves generate.

― How Tech Giants Cut Corners to Harvest Data for A.I. [Link]

OpenAI developed a speech recognition tool ‘Whisper’ to transcribe the audio from YouTube videos, generating text data for AI system. Google employees know OpenAI had harvested YouTube videos for data but they didn’t stop OpenAI because Google had also used transcripts of YouTube videos for training AI models. Google’s rules about the legal usage of YouTube videos is vague and OpenAI’s employee were wading into a legal gray area.

As many tech companies such as Meta and OpenAI reached the stage of data shortage, OpenAI started to train AI models by using synthetic data synthesized by two different AI models, one produces the data, the other judges the information.

Grok-1.5 Vision Preview [Link]

Musk released the preview of first multimodal model Grok-1.5V. It is able to understand both textual and visual information. One unique feature is that it adopts Rust, JAX, and Kubernetes to construct its distributed training architecture.

One page of the Microsoft presentation highlights a variety of “common” federal uses for OpenAI, including for defense. One bullet point under “Advanced Computer Vision Training” reads: “Battle Management Systems: Using the DALL-E models to create images to train battle management systems.” Just as it sounds, a battle management system is a command-and-control software suite that provides military leaders with a situational overview of a combat scenario, allowing them to coordinate things like artillery fire, airstrike target identification, and troop movements. The reference to computer vision training suggests artificial images conjured by DALL-E could help Pentagon computers better “see” conditions on the battlefield, a particular boon for finding — and annihilating — targets.

OpenAI spokesperson Liz Bourgeous said OpenAI was not involved in the Microsoft pitch and that it had not sold any tools to the Department of Defense. “OpenAI’s policies prohibit the use of our tools to develop or use weapons, injure others or destroy property,” she wrote. “We were not involved in this presentation and have not had conversations with U.S. defense agencies regarding the hypothetical use cases it describes.”

Microsoft told The Intercept that if the Pentagon used DALL-E or any other OpenAI tool through a contract with Microsoft, it would be subject to the usage policies of the latter company. Still, any use of OpenAI technology to help the Pentagon more effectively kill and destroy would be a dramatic turnaround for the company, which describes its mission as developing safety-focused artificial intelligence that can benefit all of humanity.

― Microsoft Pitched OpenAI’s DALL-E as Battlefield Tool for U.S. Military [Link]

Other than what has mentioned in the news, by cooperating with Department of Defense, AI can understand how human battle and defense, which is hard to learn from current textual and visual information from the internet. So it’s possible that this is the first step of AI troop.

Microsoft scientists developed what they call a qubit virtualization system. This combines quantum error-correction techniques with strategies to determine which errors need to be fixed and the best way to fix them.

The company also developed a way to diagnose and correct qubit errors without disrupting them, a technique it calls “active syndrome extraction.” The act of measuring a quantum state such as superposition typically destroys it. To avoid this, active syndrome extraction instead learns details about the qubits that are related to noise, as opposed to their quantum states, Svore explains. The ability to account for this noise can permit longer and more complex quantum computations to proceed without failure, all without destroying the logical qubits.

― Microsoft Tests New Path to Reliable Quantum Computers 1,000 physical qubits for each logical one? Try a dozen, says Redmond [Link]

Think about it in the sense of another broad, diverse category like cars. When they were first invented, you just bought “a car.” Then a little later, you could choose between a big car, a small car, and a tractor. Nowadays, there are hundreds of cars released every year, but you probably don’t need to be aware of even one in ten of them, because nine out of ten are not a car you need or even a car as you understand the term. Similarly, we’re moving from the big/small/tractor era of AI toward the proliferation era, and even AI specialists can’t keep up with and test all the models coming out.

― Too Many Models [Link]

This week, the speed of releasing LLMs becomes about 10 per week. This article provides good explanation about why we don’t need to keep up with it or test all released models. Car is a good analogy to AI model nowadays. There are all kinds of brands and sizes, and designed for different purposes. Hundreds of cars are released every year, but you don’t need to know them. Majority of the models are not groundbreaking but whenever there is big step, you will be aware of it.

Although not necessary to catch up all the news, we at least need to be aware of the main future model features - where modern and future LLMs are heading to: 1) multimodality 2) recall capability 3) reasoning.

ByteDance Exploring Scenarios for Selling TikTok Without Algorithm [Link]

ByteDance is internally exploring scenarios for selling TikTok’s US business to non-tech industry without the algorithm if they exhausted all legal options to fight legislation of the ban. Can’t imagine who without car expertise is going to buy a car without engine.

Developers and creators can take advantage of all these technologies to create mixed reality experiences. And they can reach their audiences and grow their businesses through the content discovery and monetization platforms built into Meta Horizon OS, including the Meta Quest Store, which we’ll rename the Meta Horizon Store.

Introducing Our Open Mixed Reality Ecosystem [Link]

Everyone knows how smart Zuck is in the idea of open-source.

Other news:

Elon Musk says Tesla will reveal its robotaxi on August 8th [Link]

SpaceX launches Starlink satellites on record 20th reflight of a Falcon 9 rocket first stage [Link]

Deploy your Chatbot on Databricks AI with RAG, DBRX Instruct, Vector Search & Databricks Foundation Models [Link]

Adobe’s ‘Ethical’ Firefly AI Was Trained on Midjourney Images [Link]

Exclusive: Microsoft’s OpenAI partnership could face EU antitrust probe, sources say [Link]

Meta AI adds Google Search results [Link]

Our next-generation Meta Training and Inference Accelerator [Link]

Meta’s new AI chips run faster than before [Link]

Anthropic-cookbook: a collection of notebooks / recipes showcasing some fun and effective ways of using Claude [Link]

Amazon deploys 750,000+ robots to unlock AI opportunities [Link]

Apple’s four new open-source models could help make future AI more accurate [Link]

The Mystery of ‘Jia Tan,’ the XZ Backdoor Mastermind [Link]


If someone whom you don’t trust or an adversary gets something more powerful, then I think that that could be an issue. Probably the best way to mitigate that is to have good open source AI that becomes the standard and in a lot of ways can become the leader. It just ensures that it’s a much more even and balanced playing field.

― Mark Zuckerberg - Llama 3, $10B Models, Caesar Augustus, & 1 GW Datacenters [Link]

What I learned from this interview: The future of Meta AI would be a kind of AI general assistant product where you give it complicated tasks and then it goes away and does them. Meta will probably build bigger clusters. No one has built 1GW data center yet but building it could just be a matter of time. Open source can be both bad and good. People can use LLM to do harmful things, while what Mask worries more about is the concentration of AI, where there is an untrustworthy actor having the super strong AI. Open source software can make AI not getting stuck in one company but can be broadly deployed to a lot of different systems. People can set standards on how it works and AI can get checked and upgraded together.

It is clear that inference was going to be a scaled problem. Everyone else had been looking at inference as you take one chip, you run a model on it, it runs whatever. But what happened with AlphaGo was we ported the software over, and even though we had 170 GPUs vs 48 TPUs, the 48 TPUs won 99 out of 100 games with the exact same software. What that meant was compute was going to result in better performance. And so the insight was - let’s build scaled inference.

(Nvidia) They have the ecosystem. It’s a double-sided market. If they have a kernel-based approach they already won. There’s no catching up. The other way that they are very good is vertical integration and forward integration. What happens is Nvidia over and over again decides that they want to move up the stack, and whatever the customers are doing, they start doing it.

Nvidia is incredible at training. And I think the design decision that they made including things like HBM, were really oriented around the world back then, which was everything is about training. There weren’t any real world application. None of you guys were really building anything in the wild where you needed super fast inference.

What we saw over and over again was you would spend 100% of your compute on training, you would get something that would work well enough to go into production, and then it would flip to about 5%-10% training and 90%-95% inference. But the amount of training would stay the same, the inference would grow massively. And so every time we would have a success at Google, all of a sudden, we would have a disaster, we called it the success disaster, where we can’t afford to get enough compute for inference.

HBM is this High Bandwidth Memory which is required to get performance, because the speed at which you can run these applications depends on how quickly you can read that into memory. There’s a finite supply, it’s only for data centers, so they can’t reach into the supply for mobile or other things, like you can with other parts. Also Nvidia is the largest buyer of super caps in the world and all sorts of other components. The 400 gigabit cables, they’ve bought them all out. So if you want to compete, it doesn’t matter how good of a product you design, they’ve bought out the entire supply chain for years.

The biggest difference between training and inference is when you are training, the number of tokens that you are training on is measured in month, like how many tokens can we train on this month. In inference, what matters is how many tokens you can generate per millisecond or a couple milliseconds.

It’s fair to say that Nvida is the exemplar in training but really isn’t yet the equivalent scaled winner in inference.

In order to get the latency down, we had to design a completely new chip architecture, we had to design a completely new networking architecture, an entirely new system, an entirely new runtime, an entirely new compiler, and entirely new orchestration layer. We had to throw everything away and it had to be compatible with PyTorch and what other people actually developing in.

I think Facebook announced that by the end of this year, they are going to have the equivalent of 650000 H100s. By the end of this year, Grok will have deployed 100000 of our LPUs which do outperform the H100s on a throughput and on a latency basis. So we will probably get pretty close to the equivalent of Meta ourselves. By the end of next year, we are going to deploy 1.5M LPUs, for comparison, last year Nvidia deployed a total of 500000 H100s. So 1.5M means Grok will probably have more inference GenAI capacity than all of the hyperscalers and clouds service providers combined. So probably about 50% of the inference compute in the world.

I get asked a lot should we be afraid of AI and my answer to that is, if you think back to Galileo, someone who got in a lot of trouble. The reason he got in trouble was he invented the telescope, popularized it, and made some claims that we were much smaller than everyone wanted to believe. The better the telescope got the more obvious it became that we were small. In a large sense, LLMs are the telescope for the mind, it’s become clear that intelligence is larger than we are and it makes us feel really really small and it’s scary. But what happened over time was as we realized the universe was larger than we thought and we got used to that, we started to realize how beautiful it was and our place in the universe. And I think that’s what’s going to happen. We’re going to realize intelligence is more vast than we ever imagined. And we are going to understand our place in it, and we are not going to be afraid of it.

― Conversation with Groq CEO Jonathan Ross [Link]

This is a very insightful conversation especially in the part of comparison of training and inference. The answer to the final question is fascinating to end the conversation. A great takeaway that “intelligence is a telescope for the mind, in that we realize that we are small, while then also opportunity to see intelligence is vast and to not be afraid of it.”.

Meta Announces Llama 3 at Weights & Biases’ Conference - Weights & Biases [Link]

Economic value is getting disintegrated, there no value in foundational models economically. So then the question is who can build on top of them the fastest. Llama was announced last Thursday, 14 hours later Groq actually had that model deployed in the Groq Cloud, so that 100K+ developers could start building on it. That’s why that model is so popular. It puts the closed models on their heels. Because if you can’t both train and deploy iteratively and quickly enough, these open source alternatives will win, and as a result the economic potential that you have to monetize those models will not be there. - Chamath Palihapitiya

By open-sourcing these models they limit competition because VCs are no longer going to plow half a billion dollars into a foundational model development company, so you limit the commercial interest and the commercial value of foundational models. - David Friedberg

AI is really two markets - training and inference. And inference is going to be 100 times bigger than training. And Nvidia is really good at training and very miscast at inference. The problem is that right now we need to see a capex build cycle for inference, and there are so many cheap and effective solutions, Groq being one of them but there are many others. And I think why the market reacted very negatively was that it did not seem that Facebook understood that distinction, that they were way overspending and trying to allocate a bunch of GPU capacity towards inference that didn’t make sense. - Chamath Palihapitiya

You want to find real durable moats not these like legal arrangement that try to protect your business through these types of contracts. One of the reasons why the industry moves so fast is best practices get shared very quickly, and one of the ways that happens is that everybody is moving around to different companies (average term of employment is 18-36 months). There are people who violate those rules (taking code to the new company etc), and that is definitely breaking the rules, but you are allowed to take with you anything in your head, and it is one of the ways that best practices sort of become more common. - David Sacks

Meta’s scorched earth approach to AI, Tesla’s future, TikTok bill, FTC bans noncompetes, wealth tax - All-In Podcast [Link]

Are LLMs Hitting A Wall, Microsoft & Alphabet Save The Market, TikTok Ban - Big Technology Podcast [Link]

Papers and Reports

ReALM: Reference Resolution As Language Modeling Link]

Apple proposed the ReALM model with 80M, 250M, 1B, and 3B parameters. It can be used on mobile devices and laptops. The task of ReALM is “Given relevant entities and a task the user wants to perform, we wish to extract the entity (or entities) that are pertinent to the current user query. “. The relevant entities can be on-screen entities, conversational entities, and background entities. The analysis shows that ReALM beats MARRs and has similar performance with GPT-4.

Bigger is not Always Better: Scaling Properties of Latent Diffusion Models [Link]

CodeGemma: Open Code Models Based on Gemma [Link]

Leave No Context Behind: Efficient Infinite Context Transformers with Infini-attention [Link]

Google introduced the next generation transformer - infini-transformer. It’s able to take infinite length of input without the requirement of more memory or computation. Unlike vanilla attention mechanism in traditional transformer which reset their attention memory after each context window to manage new data, infini-attention retains a compressive memory and builds in both masked local attention and long-term linear attention mechanisms. The model compresses and reuses key-value states across all segments, allowing it to pull relevant information from any part of the document.

AI agents are starting to transcend their digital origins and enter the physical world through devices like smartphones, smart glasses, and robots. These technologies are typically used by individuals who are not AI experts. To effectively assist them, Embodied AI (EAI) agents must possess a natural language interface and a type of “common sense” rooted in human-like perception and understanding of the world.

OpenEQA: Embodies Question Answering in the Era of Foundation Models [Link] [Link]

The OpenEQA introduced by Meta is the first open vocab benchmark dataset for the formulation of Embodied Question Answering (EQA) task of understanding environment either by memory or by active exploration, well enough to answer questions in natural language. Meta also provided an automatic LLM-powered evaluation protocol to evaluate the performance of SOTA models like GPT-4V and see whether it’s close to human-level performance.

OpenEQA looks like the very first step towards “world model” and I’m excited that it’s coming. The dataset contains over 1600 high-quality human generated questions drawn from over 180 real-world environments. If the future AI agent can answer N questions over N real-world environments, where N is approximately infinity, we can call it God intelligence. But we are probably not able to achieve that “world model” at least with my limited imagination, because it requires un-infinite compute resources and there can be ethical issues. However, if we take one step back, instead of creating “world model”, a “human society model” or “transformation model”, etc, sounds more possible. Limiting question to a specific pain point problem and limiting environment according to it would both save resources and contribute AI’s value to human society.

OpenELM: An Efficient Language Model Family with Open-source Training and Inference Framework [Link] [Link]

OpenELM is a small language model (SLM) tailored for on-device applications. The models range from 270M to 3B parameters, which are suitable for deployment on mobile devices and PCs. The key innovation is called “layer-wise scaling architecture”. It allocates fewer parameters to the initial transformer layers and gradually increases the number of parameters towards the final layers. This approach optimizes compute resources while remaining high accuracy. Inference of OpenELM can be run on Intel i9 workstation with RTX 4090 GPU and an M2 Max MacBook Pro.

Phi-3 Technical Report: A Highly Capable Language Model Locally on Your Phone [Link] [Link]

Microsoft launched Phi-3 family including mini (3.8B), small (7B), and medium (14B). These models are designed to run efficiently on both mobile devices and PCs. All models leverage a transformer decoder architecture. The performance is comparable to larger models such as Mixtral 8x7B and GPT3.5. It supports a default of 4K context length but is expandable to 128K through LongRope technology. The models are trained on web data and synthetic data, using two-phase approach which enhances both general knowledge and specialized skills (e.g. logical reasoning), and fine tuned in specific domains. Mini (3.8B) is especially optimized for mobile usage, requiring 1.8GB memory when compressed to 4-bits and processing 12+ tokens per second on mobile devices such as iPhone 14.

VASA-1: Lifelike Audio-Driven Talking Faces Generated in Real Time [Link] [Link]

2024 Generative AI Prediction Report from CB insights [Link]

Stable Diffusion 3 [Link]

Stable Diffusion 3 API now available as Stable Assistant effort looms [Link]

Stable Diffusion 3: Research Paper [Link]


You don’t get paid for working hard.

You get paid based on how hard you are to replace.

You get paid based on how much value you deliver.

Focus on being able to produce value and money will follow.

― Andrew Lokenauth

What he’s saying is so true - Don’t work so hard and end up losing yourself.

There is a popular saying on Wall Street. While IPO means Initial Public Offering, it also means “It’s Probably Overpriced” (coined by Ken Fisher).

I don’t invest in brand-new IPOs during the first six months. Why? Shares tend to underperform out of the gate for new public companies and often bottom around the tail end of the lock-up period, with anticipation of selling pressure from insiders. It’s also critical to gain insights from the first few quarters to form an opinion about the management team.

  • Do they forecast conservatively?
  • Do they consistently beat their guidance?

If not, it might be a sign that they are running out of steam and may have embellished their prospects in the S-1. But we need several quarters to understand the dynamic at play.

― Rubrik IPO: Key Takeaways - App Economy Insights [Link]

An analysis of Rubrik, a Microsoft-backed cybersecurity company going public. I’ve got some opinions from the author in terms of company performance and strategic investment.

Intel Unleashes Enterprise AI with Gaudi 3 - AI Supremacy [Link]

Intel is a huge beneficiary of Biden’s CHIPS Act. In late March 2024, Intel will receive up to $8.5 billion in grants and $11 billion in loans from the US government to produce cutting-edge semiconductors.

US Banks: Uncertain Year - App Economy Insights [Link]

Formula 1’s recent surge in popularity and revenue isn’t simply a product of fast cars and daring drivers. The Netflix docuseries Drive to Survive, which premiered in March 2019 and is already in its sixth season, has played a transformative role in igniting global interest and fueling unprecedented growth for the sport.

The docuseries effectively humanized the sport, attracting new fans drawn to the high-stakes competition, team rivalries, and compelling personal narratives.

― Formula 1 Economics - App Economy Insights [Link]

Netflix Engagement Machine - App Economy Insights [Link]

Recent business highlights: 1) focus on drama and storylines around sports, 2) subscribers can download exclusive games on the App Store for free, since Nov 2021, and Netflix is exploring game monetization through in-app purchases or ads, 3) for Premium Subscription Video on Demand, churn plummets YoY, 4) the $6.99/month ad-supported plan was launched in Nov 2023, memberships grew 65% QoQ and monetization is still lagging, 5) started limiting password sharing within one household.

Boeing vs Airbus - App Economy Insights [Link]

Boeing 737 MAX’s two fatal crashes due to faulty software have eroded public trust. In addition to quality issues, Boeing is facing severe production delays. Airbus on the other hand has captured significant market share from Boeing. Airbus is heavily investing in technologies such as hydrogen-powered aircraft and sustainable aviation fuels. Airbus is also investing in the A321XLR and potential new widebody aircraft.

We disagree on what open-source AI should mean - Interconnects [Link]

This is a general trend we have observed a couple of years ago. We called is Mosaic’s Law where a model of a certain capability will require 1/4th the $ every year from hw/sw/algo advances. This means something that is $100m today -> $25m next year -> $6m in 2 yrs -> $1.5m in 3 yrs. ― Naveen Rao on X [Link]

DBRX: The new best open model and Databricks’ ML strategy - Interconnects [Link]

In the test of refusals, it shows that the inference system seems to contain an added filtering in the loop to refuse illegal requests.

Llama 3: Scaling open LLMs to AGI - Interconnects [Link]

Tesla: Robotaxi Pivot - App Economy Insights [Link]

Q1 FY24 is bad and probably the worst. This means Tesla is going to get better in the rest of the year. It sounds that Elon is more clear and focused on his plan. And promises are met though there are some delays [Master Plan, Part Deux].

Recent business highlights: 1) cancelling Model 2 and focusing on Robotaxis and next-gen platform (Redwood), 2) laying off 10%+, 3) FSD price cuts and EV (Model 3 and Model Y) price cuts, 4) Recall Cybertruck due to safety issues, 5) North American Charging Standard (NACS) is increasingly adopted by major automakers, 6) reached ~1.2B miles driven by FSD beta, 7) energy storage deployment increased sequentially.

What is competitive in the market: 1) competitive pressure from BYD, 2) OpenAI’s Figure 01 robot and Boston Dynamics’s next-gen Atlas are competing with Optimus.

With its open-source AI model Llama, Meta learned that the company doesn’t have to have the best models — but they need a lot of them. The content creation potential benefits Meta’s platforms, even if the models aren’t exclusively theirs.

Like Google with Android, Meta aims to build a platform to avoid being at the mercy of Apple or Google’s ecosystems. It’s a defensive strategy to protect their advertising business. The shift to a new vision-based computing experience is an opportunity to do so.

Meta has a head start in the VR developer community compared to Apple. A more open app model could solidify this advantage.

By now, Meta has a clear playbook for new products:

  1. Release an early version to a limited audience.
  2. Gather feedback and start improving it.
  3. Make it available to more people.
  4. Scale and refine.
  5. Monetize.

He also shared some interesting nuggets:

  • Roughly 30% of Facebook posts are AI-recommended.
  • Over 50% of Instagram content is AI-recommended.

― Meta: The Anti-Apple - App Economy Insights [Link]

Recent business highlights: 1) announced an open model for Horizon OS - which powers its VR headsets, 2) Meta AI is now powered by Llama 3, 3) whether not TikTok will still exist in US does not matter since the algorithm will not be sold, then it will benefit any competitor company such as Meta.