LC 200 & LC 463

Solution to LeetCode 200 Number of Islands & LeetCode 463 Island Perimeter. Other problems related to ‘island’ are LC 695 and LC 829.

LeetCode 200

Number of Islands (Medium). [link]

1] DFS. Count the number of island and use function DFS to turn all ‘1’ in one island into ‘0’. Time complexity O(height*width), space complexity O(height*width).

class Solution:
    def numIslands(self, grid: List[List[str]]) -> int:
        def DFS(grid, w, h):
            if w < 0 or h < 0 or h >= height or w >= width or grid[h][w] == '0':
            grid[h][w] = '0'
            DFS(grid, w+1, h)
            DFS(grid, w-1, h)
            DFS(grid, w, h+1)
            DFS(grid, w, h-1)
        height = len(grid)
        width = len(grid[0])
        if height == 0 : return 0
        ans = 0
        for h in range(height):
            for w in range(width):
                if grid[h][w] == '1':
                    ans += 1
                    DFS(grid, w, h)
        return ans

2] BFS. Time complexity O(width*height). Space complexity O(width*height).

class Solution:
    def numIslands(self, grid: List[List[str]]) -> int:
        def BFS(grid, w, h):
            que = [[w, h]]
            while que:
                [w,h] = que.pop(0)
                if 0 <= h < len(grid) and 0 <= w < len(grid[0]) and grid[h][w] == '1':
                    grid[h][w] = '0'
                    que += [[w, h-1],[w,h+1],[w-1,h],[w+1,h]]
        height = len(grid)
        width = len(grid[0])
        if height == 0 : return 0
        ans = 0
        for h in range(height):
            for w in range(width):
                if grid[h][w] == '1':
                    ans += 1
                    BFS(grid, w, h)
        return ans

LeetCode 463

Island Perimeter (Easy). [link]

The perimeter of a land is 4. If it has a neighbor land, the perimeter of the two lands is 4 *2 - 2. So the formula is “4* lands - 2*boundary”.

class Solution(object):
    def islandPerimeter(self, grid):
        :type grid: List[List[int]]
        :rtype: int
        width = len(grid[0])
        height = len(grid)
        if height == 0 and width == 0:
            return 0
        area = 0
        bound = 0
        for h in range(height):
            for w in range(width):
                if grid[h][w] == 1:
                    area += 1
                    if h > 0 and grid[h-1][w] == 1:
                        bound += 1
                    # if h < height -1 and grid[h+1][w] == 1:
                    #     neighbor += 1
                    if w > 0 and grid[h][w-1] == 1:
                        bound += 1
                    # if w < width -1 and grid[h][w+1] == 1:
                    #     neighbor += 1
        return area*4 - bound*2

Approach it in another way, the perimeter of one land is 4, if it has a neighbor, the perimeter decreases by 1. The formula is “4* lands - neighbors”.

class Solution(object):
    def islandPerimeter(self, grid):
        :type grid: List[List[int]]
        :rtype: int
        width = len(grid[0])
        height = len(grid)
        if height == 0 and width == 0:
            return 0
        area = 0
        neighbor = 0
        for h in range(height):
            for w in range(width):
                if grid[h][w] == 1:
                    area += 1
                    if h > 0 and grid[h-1][w] == 1:
                        neighbor += 1
                    if h < height -1 and grid[h+1][w] == 1:
                        neighbor += 1
                    if w > 0 and grid[h][w-1] == 1:
                        neighbor += 1
                    if w < width -1 and grid[h][w+1] == 1:
                        neighbor += 1
        return area*4 - neighbor