Solution to LeetCode 733 Flood Fill.
LeetCode 733
Flood Fill (Easy). [link]
Time complexity O(height*width), space complexity O(1).
class Solution(object):
def floodFill(self, image, sr, sc, newColor):
:type image: List[List[int]]
:type sr: int
:type sc: int
:type newColor: int
:rtype: List[List[int]]
if image[sr][sc] == newColor:
return image
width = len(image[0])
height = len(image)
self.DFS(image, sc, sr, width, height, image[sr][sc], newColor)
return image
def DFS(self, image, w, h, width, height, oriColor, newColor):
if w < 0 or w >= width or h < 0 or h >= height:
if image[h][w] != oriColor: # pruning if the color is already changed or it shouldn't be changed
image[h][w] = newColor
self.DFS(image, w+1, h, width, height, oriColor, newColor)
self.DFS(image, w-1, h, width, height, oriColor, newColor)
self.DFS(image, w, h+1, width, height, oriColor, newColor)
self.DFS(image, w, h-1, width, height, oriColor, newColor)