Solution to LeetCode 17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number.
LeetCode 17
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number (Easy). [link]
Combinations via DFS. It’s easy to come up with ‘Recursion’ when it comes to ‘all combinations’. The function
has a structure ofDFS(combination, nextDigit)
and operates whennextDigit
is not empty, doDFS(combination + letter, nextDigit[1:])
.Time complexity O(3^m * 4^n), where m is the number of the numbers representing 3 letters, n is the number of the numbers representing 4 letters. Space complexity is O(3^m * 4^n + (m+n))
class Solution(object):
def letterCombinations(self, digits):
:type digits: str
:rtype: List[str]
if not digits: return []
Map = {'2':['a','b','c'],
def recursion(combination, nextDigit):
if len(nextDigit) == 0: # stop condition
for letter in Map[nextDigit[0]]:
recursion(combination + letter, nextDigit[1:])
res = []
backtrack('', digits)
return res
Combinations via BFS. We use Queue data structure to implement a BFS.
Time complexity O(3^m * 4^n). Space complexity O(2*(3^m * 4^n)).
class Solution(object):
def letterCombinations(self, digits):
:type digits: str
:rtype: List[str]
if not digits: return []
Map = {'2':['a','b','c'],
res = ['']
for i in digits:
for _ in range(len(res)):
tmp = res.pop(0)
for j in Map[i]:
return res