Solution to LeetCode 784 Letter Case Permutation.
LeetCode 784
Letter Case Permutation (Medium). [link]
1] Recursion - DFS.
The idea of DFS here: the leaves of the tree are the results.
Time complexity O(n*2^l), where l is the number of letters in the string. The space complexity O(n)+O(n*2^l).
class Solution(object):
def letterCasePermutation(self, s):
:type s: str
:rtype: List[str]
res = []
n = len(s)
def DFS(index, string):
if index == n:
if string[index].islower():
DFS(index + 1, string[:index] + chr(ord(string[index]) - 32) + string[index+1:])
if string[index].isupper():
DFS(index + 1, string[:index] + chr(ord(string[index]) + 32) + string[index+1:])
DFS(index + 1, string)
DFS(0, s)
return res
Note: ASCII:
- Upper case A-Z: 65 - 90
- Lower case a-z: 98 - 122
- ‘a’ - ‘A’ = 32
Alternatively, we can use python functions .upper()
and .lower()
class Solution(object):
def letterCasePermutation(self, s):
:type s: str
:rtype: List[str]
res = []
n = len(s)
def DFS(index, string):
if index == n:
if string[index].islower():
DFS(index + 1, string[:index] + string[index].upper() + string[index+1:])
if string[index].isupper():
DFS(index + 1, string[:index] + string[index].lower() + string[index+1:])
DFS(index + 1, string)
DFS(0, s)
return res
Slicing helps to avoid using ‘index’ variable.
class Solution(object):
def letterCasePermutation(self, s):
:type s: str
:rtype: List[str]
res = []
def DFS(string, path):
if not string:
if string[0].isalpha():
DFS(string[1:], path + string[0].upper())
DFS(string[1:], path + string[0].lower())
DFS(string[1:], path + string[0])
DFS(s, '')
return res
2] Iteration.
class Solution(object):
def letterCasePermutation(self, s):
:type s: str
:rtype: List[str]
res = [""]
for i in s:
if i.isalpha():
res = [word + j for word in res for j in [i.lower(), i.upper()]]
res = [word + i for word in res]
return res