LC 464

Solution to LeetCode 464 Can I Win.

LeetCode 464

Can I Win (Medium). [link]

Recursion with memorization. Two players are choosing the as best value as they can to win the game - “Game Theory”.

class Solution(object):
    def canIWin(self, maxChoosableInteger, desiredTotal):
        :type maxChoosableInteger: int
        :type desiredTotal: int
        :rtype: bool
        if maxChoosableInteger >= desiredTotal: 
          return True # choose max to win
        if sum(range(maxChoosableInteger + 1)) < desiredTotal: 
          return False # not possible to win

        def DFS(state, desiredTotal, dp):
            if dp[state] != None: # if it exists, return itself
                return dp[state]
            for i in range(1, maxChoosableInteger + 1):
                cur = 1 << (i - 1) # Use binary digit to store status. "cur" means current status
                if cur and state != 0: # current value is chosen
                if i >= desiredTotal or not DFS(cur | state, desiredTotal - i, dp): # if choose this value can win or the second play cannot win
                    dp[state] = True
                    return True
            dp[state] = False
            return False
        return DFS(0, desiredTotal, [None] * (1 << maxChoosableInteger)) # 2 ** maxChoosableInteger

1 << maxChoosableInteger is equivalent to 2 ** maxChoosableInteger. 1 << (i - 1) is equivalent to (i-1) ** 2. cur | state is a syntax to add two binary digits, e.g. 101 | 10 = 111.