Solution to LeetCode 1036 Escape A Large Maze.
LeetCode 1036
Escape A Large Maze (Hard). [link]
BFS. The key idea is instead of BFS the whole grid (10^6 * 10^6) to find a path from source to target, we BFS to find the target in the blocked sub-grid (only 200 blocks). Time complexity O(n^2), space complexity O(n^2).
class Solution(object):
def isEscapePossible(self, blocked, source, target):
:type blocked: List[List[int]]
:type source: List[int]
:type target: List[int]
:rtype: bool
BOUND = 10**6
if len(blocked) < 2:
return True
hash_blocked = set(tuple(pos) for pos in blocked)
def check(start, end):
sx, sy = start
ex, ey = end
countdown = len(blocked) * (len(blocked) - 1) // 2
q = deque([(sx, sy)]) # use queue to store next steps
visited = set([(sx, sy)]) # use set to store visited pos
while q and countdown > 0:
x, y = q.popleft()
for nx, ny in [(x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1)]:
if 0 <= nx < BOUND and 0 <= ny <= BOUND and (nx,ny) not in hash_blocked and (nx,ny) not in visited:
if (nx, ny) == (ex, ey):
return FOUND
countdown -= 1
q.append((nx, ny))
visited.add((nx, ny))
if countdown > 0: return BLOCKED
return VALID
result = check(source, target) # whether source is in the sub-grid
if result == FOUND:
return True
elif result == BLOCKED:
return False
result = check(target, source) # whether target is in the sub-grid
if result == BLOCKED:
return False
return True