Skill Set - Inplace Reversal of a Linked List

Skills for tackling LeetCode problems - Inplace Reversal of a Linked List.

Inplace reversal is an efficient approach to reverse the links, using the existing node objects and without using extra memory.

1. Reverse a LinkedList

Given the head of a Singly LinkedList, reverse the LinkedList. Write a function to return teh new head of the reversed LinkedList.

# Time complexity O(N), where N is the total number of nodes. Space complexity O(1)

# class Node:
#     def __init__(self, value, next=None):
#         self.value = value
# = next

def reverse(head):
    pre, cur, nxt = None, head, None
    while cur is not None:
        nxt = = pre
        pre = cur
        cur = nxt
    return pre # return when cur = None, pre = newHead

2. Reverse a Sub-list

Given the head of a LinkedList and two positions ‘p’ and ‘q’, reverse the LinkedList from position ‘p’ to ‘q’.

# Time complexity O(N). Space complexity O(1).

def reverse_sub_list(head, p, q):
    if p == q: return head
    cur, pre, nxt = head, None, None
    i = 1
    while cur is not None and i < p: # locate p
        pre = cur
        cur =
        i += 1

    pre_p = pre
    at_p = cur

    i = 0
    while cur is not None and i < q - p + 1: # reverse p to q
        nxt = = pre
        pre = cur # finally pre is at q
        cur = nxt # finally cur is at post q
        i += 1

    # link q to previous part
    if pre_p is not None: = pre
    else: # if pre_p is None, q = 1
        head = pre
    # link p to last part = cur

    return head

3. Reverse every K-element Sub-list

Given the head of a LinkedList and a number k, reverse every k sized sub-list starting from the head. If in the end you are left with a sub-list with less than k element, reverse it too.

# Time complexity O(N). Space complexity O(1).

def reverse_every_k_elements(head, k):
    if k <= 1 or head is None:
        return head
    cur, pre = head, None
    while cur is not None:
        pre_part = pre
        at_part = cur
        nxt = None
        i = 0
        while cur is not None and i < k: # reverse k nodes
            nxt =
   = pre
            pre = cur
            cur = nxt
            i += 1
        # connect with the previous part
        if pre_part is not None:
   = pre
            head = pre
        # connect with the next part = cur

        pre = at_part
    return head