LC 2013

Solution to LeetCode 2013 Detect Squares.

LeetCode 2013

Detect Squares (Median). [link]

class DetectSquares(object):

    def __init__(self):
        # self.Hash = defaultdict(<class 'collections.Counter'>, {10: Counter({3: 1}), 2: Counter({3: 1, 11: 1})})
        self.Hash = defaultdict(Counter)

    def add(self, point):
        :type point: List[int]
        :rtype: None
        x, y = point
        # The key of Hash is y, the value of Hash is a Counter dict of x
        self.Hash[y][x] += 1

    def count(self, point):
        :type point: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        res = 0
        x, y = point
        if not y in self.Hash:
            return 0
        yCount = self.Hash[y] # same y diff x
        for col, colCount in self.Hash.items():
            if col != y: #  diff y
                d = col - y
                # might be duplicated point, so we need to multiply all counts
                res += colCount[x] * yCount[x + d] * colCount[x + d]
                res += colCount[x] * yCount[x - d] * colCount[x - d]
        return res