LC 1070 & LC 1112 & LC 1285 & LC 1951 LC 1070 & LC 1112 & LC 1285 & LC 1951
Solution to LeetCode about ‘window function’. LeetCode 1070Product Sales Analysis III (Medium) [link] SELECT product_id,
LC 586 & LC 1076 & LC 1082 & LC 1204 LC 586 & LC 1076 & LC 1082 & LC 1204
Solution to LeetCode about ‘window function’ integrated with summary. LeetCode 586Customer Placing the Largest Number of
LC 2153 & LC 2173 & LC 2199 LC 2153 & LC 2173 & LC 2199
The following advanced-level SQL problems. LeetCode 2153*The Number of Passengers in Each Bus II (Hard) [link] Idea:
LC 1919 & LC 1972 & LC 2004 & LC 2010 & LC 2118 LC 1919 & LC 1972 & LC 2004 & LC 2010 & LC 2118
The following advanced-level SQL problems. LeetCode 1919Leetcodify Similar Friends (Hard) [link] SELECT DISTINCT l1.use
LC 1479 & LC 1645 & LC 1651 & LC 1892 & LC 1917 LC 1479 & LC 1645 & LC 1651 & LC 1892 & LC 1917
The following advanced-level SQL problems. LeetCode 1479Sales by Day of the Week (Hard) [link] Idea: use dayofweek to d
LC 262 & LC 571 & LC 1369 & LC 1412 LC 262 & LC 571 & LC 1369 & LC 1412
The following advanced-level SQL problems. LeetCode 262Trips and Users (Hard) [link] SELECT request_at AS Day, ROUND(SU
LC 1159 & LC 1194 & LC 1225 LC 1159 & LC 1194 & LC 1225
The following advanced-level SQL problems. LeetCode 1159Market Analysis II (Hard) [link] SELECT u.user_id AS seller_id,
LC 618 & LC 1179 & LC 1777 LC 618 & LC 1179 & LC 1777
The following advanced-level SQL problems. Focusing on reshaping tables. LeetCode 618Students Report by Geography (Hard)
LC 569 & LC 615 & LC 1097 LC 569 & LC 615 & LC 1097
The following advanced-level SQL problems. LeetCode 569Median Employee Salary (Hard) [link] If the occurrence is odd, me
LC 1127 & LC 1635 & LC 1767 LC 1127 & LC 1635 & LC 1767
The following advanced-level SQL problems are about ‘Recursion, Dependency, Nesting’. Focusing on creating new tables. L
LC 1204 & LC 1205 & LC 1241 LC 1204 & LC 1205 & LC 1241
The following basic-level SQL problems. LeetCode 1204Last Person to Fit in the Bus (Medium) [link] SELECT person_name FR
LC 1107 & LC 1113 & LC 1132 & LC 1149 LC 1107 & LC 1113 & LC 1132 & LC 1149
The following basic-level SQL problems. LeetCode 1107New Users Daily Count (Medium) [link] SELECT login_date, COUNT(*) A
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