LC 1075 & LC 1083 & LC 1098 LC 1075 & LC 1083 & LC 1098
The following basic-level SQL problems. LeetCode 1075Project Employees I (Easy) [link] SELECT p.project_id, ROUND(AVG(e.
LC 610 & LC 614 & LC 1068 & LC 1069 LC 610 & LC 614 & LC 1068 & LC 1069
The following basic-level SQL problems. LeetCode 610Triangle Judgement (Easy) [link] Using CASE WHEN SELECT x, y, z,
LC 577 & LC 585 & LC 597 & LC 602 LC 577 & LC 585 & LC 597 & LC 602
The following basic-level SQL problems. LeetCode 577Employee Bonus (Easy) [link] SELECT e.name, b.bonus FROM Employee e
LC 1336 & LC 1384 & LC 1613 & LC 1635 & LC 1645 & LC 1651 & LC 1767 LC 1336 & LC 1384 & LC 1613 & LC 1635 & LC 1645 & LC 1651 & LC 1767
The following advanced-level SQL problems are about ‘Recursion, Dependency, Nesting’. Focusing on creating new tables. L
LC 1532 & LC 1831 & LC 1949 LC 1532 & LC 1831 & LC 1949
The following advanced-level SQL problems are about ‘Function’. LeetCode 1532The Most Recent Three Orders (Medium) [link
LC 176 & LC 177 & LC 178 & LC 1077 & LC 1596 LC 176 & LC 177 & LC 178 & LC 1077 & LC 1596
The following advanced-level SQL problems are about ‘Rank Function’. LeetCode 176Second Highest Salary (Medium) [link] S
LC 1341 & LC 1867 LC 1341 & LC 1867
The following basic-level SQL problems are about ‘subquery’. LeetCode 1341Movie Rating (Medium) [link] Note: UNION ALL k
LC 1045 & LC 1321 & LC 1549 LC 1045 & LC 1321 & LC 1549
The following basic-level SQL problems are about ‘subquery’. LeetCode 1045Customers Who Bought All Products (Medium) [li
LC 180 & LC 1459 & LC 1988 LC 180 & LC 1459 & LC 1988
The following basic-level SQL problems are about ‘inequality linking’. LeetCode 180Consecutive Numbers (Medium) [link] T
LC 181 & LC 603 & LC 1731 & LC 1747 LC 181 & LC 603 & LC 1731 & LC 1747
The following basic-level SQL problems are about ‘inequality linking’. LeetCode 181Employees Earning More Than Their Man
LC 626 & LC 1164 & LC 1294 & LC 1783 LC 626 & LC 1164 & LC 1294 & LC 1783
The following basic-level SQL problems are about ‘linking’. More: MOD LeetCode 626Exchange Seats (Medium) [link] Using C
LC 184 & LC 570 & LC 580 & LC 1264 & LC 1280 LC 184 & LC 570 & LC 580 & LC 1264 & LC 1280
The following basic-level SQL problems are about ‘linking’. LeetCode 184Department Highest Salary (Medium) [link] Using
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