LC 619 & LC 1112 & LC 1398 & LC 1607 & LC 1440 LC 619 & LC 1112 & LC 1398 & LC 1607 & LC 1440
The following basic-level SQL problems are about ‘linking’. LeetCode 619Biggest Single Number (Easy) [link] SELECT(
LC 1173 & LC 1193 & LC 1211 & LC 1633 LC 1173 & LC 1193 & LC 1211 & LC 1633
The following basic-level SQL problems are about ‘Function’. Summarizing values by using SUM, AVG, with IF or conditions
LC 1251 & LC 1445 & LC 1571 & LC 1699 LC 1251 & LC 1445 & LC 1571 & LC 1699
The following basic-level SQL problems are about ‘Function’. e.g. SUM() with IF conditions. LeetCode 1251Average Selling
LC 1303 & LC 1308 & LC 1501 LC 1303 & LC 1308 & LC 1501
The following advanced-level SQL problems are about ‘Summary Function’. More: using LEFT to slice the string. LeetCode
LC 182 & LC 1050 & LC 1084 & LC 1587 LC 182 & LC 1050 & LC 1084 & LC 1587
The following intro-level SQL problems are about ‘Filtering (HAVING)’. LeetCode 182Duplicate Emails (Easy) [link] Using
LC 1158 & LC 1393 & LC 1407 LC 1158 & LC 1393 & LC 1407
The following intro-level SQL problems are about ‘Control Flow’. LeetCode 1158Market Analysis I (Medium) [link] SELECT U
LC 511 & LC 1141 & LC 1693 & LC 1729 & LC 1741 & LC 1890 LC 511 & LC 1141 & LC 1693 & LC 1729 & LC 1741 & LC 1890
The following intro-level SQL problems are about ‘Function (COUNT, MAX, MIN)’. LeetCode 511Game Play Analysis I (Easy)
LC 175 & LC 197 & LC 607 & LC 1148 & LC 1581 LC 175 & LC 197 & LC 607 & LC 1148 & LC 1581
The following intro-level SQL problems are about ‘Join (JOIN or WHERE)’. Recall DATEDIFF, WHERE IS. Recall (INNER) JOIN
LC 585 & LC 1484 & LC 1527 & LC 1667 & LC 2118 & LC 2199 LC 585 & LC 1484 & LC 1527 & LC 1667 & LC 2118 & LC 2199
The following intro-level SQL problems are about manipulating ‘string’ by GROUP_CONCAT, CONCAT, LEFT, RIGHT, SUBSTRING,
LC 196 & LC 627 & LC 1873 LC 196 & LC 627 & LC 1873
The following intro-level SQL problems are about ‘ordering (ORDER BY)’ and ‘editing (CASE WHEN)’. More: DELETE and UPDAT
LC 176 & LC 608 & LC 1795 & LC 1965 LC 176 & LC 608 & LC 1795 & LC 1965
The following intro-level SQL problems are about ‘combining (UNION) and querying’ and ‘selecting (HAVING)’. More: LIMIT
LC 183 & LC 584 & LC 595 & LC 1757 LC 183 & LC 584 & LC 595 & LC 1757
The following intro-level SQL problems are about ‘selecting (WHERE)’. LeetCode 183Customers Who Never Order (Easy) [link
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